My heart is beating faster, faster
There is an urge inside of me
That special day I glanced into the
unchangeable reality
The ones of you who called me a liar
I have a big surprise for you
You were the ones that made me suffer
Now i will make you suffer too
Listen closely to the words I say
You will not be able to change me
All the things you said echoes in my head
and it's all because of my murderous urge
Right now I feel no pain
I will make you pay
Make you fade away
Like a flower my true color never change
You'll not be able to kill me
The sky is colored red this evening
I wonder why so suddenly?
I don't know what my eyes are seeing
The world is looking differently
I wash my hands with dirty water
It doesn't matter anyway
Without a thought of what I'm doing
I disappear without a trace
Listen closely to the words I say
You will not be able to change me
All the things you said echoes in my head
and it's all because of my murderous urge
Right now I feel no pain
I will make you pay
Make you fade away
Like a flower my true color never change
You'll not be able to kill me
Genji futto shinjitsuga
Doko de tagauno karouka
karataga kuchiateru nade
Kimi wo omoette iru
All the things you said echoes in my head
and it's all because of my murderous urge
Right now I feel no pain
I will make you pay
Make you fade away
Like a flower my true color never change
You'll not be able to kill me