United we're still standing here
Waiting on the edge of time
Still don't know if the end is near
Will this be uprise or decline

The longest journey lies behind
We travelled through the deepest seas
Learned so much but didn't find
The liberating key

Looking in the sky to find
The northern star again one day
There is nothing there's no light
Just the dragon's spray

Feel the wind touch the sky
On the dragon's wings we'll fly
Close your eyes you can see with your mind
We arise from the ground
Stay unnoticed without sound
Ancient force we will get from the sign

Was it tale or was it real
Yet I'm seeking on a quest
How can we break the final seal
When comes our time to rest

Will tomorrow be a sunrise
May we return back home
Will the world be set in ice
We're not alone

We rule the skies
We are the dragonriders
We'll never die
Our fire enlightens the night