Step up step up for the miracle cure
whatever the illness the remedy’s sure
A spot of cancer cure it today
a blood clot or two will go away
Step up step up for the miracle cure
whatever the illness the remedy’s sure
Our magnificent miracle cure
will solve your baldness that is for sure
The ointment version just rub it on!
Your hair will return while I sing this song
If you’re feeling a little bit ill
take one of our magical pills
Step up step up for the miracle cure
whatever the illness the remedy’s sure
If you’ve just had a heart attack
take one and you’ll get your life back
Step up step up for the miracle cure
whatever the illness the remedy’s sure
If you don’t like the shape of your nose
take one of our pills soon it will show
Step up step up for the miracle cure
whatever the illness the remedy’s sure
If it’s crooked straight it will grow
if it’s too big smaller it goes
Step up step up for the miracle cure
whatever the illness the remedy’s sure
So step up for our miracle cure,
each illness and blemish it will be cured
Step up step up for the miracle cure
whatever the illness the remedy’s sure…
Step up, step up, step up…!