Girl Power...

I Don't Wanna Be A Boy,
I Wanna Be A Girl!
I Wanna Do Things
That'll Make Ya Hair Curl!
I Wanna Play With Knives!
I Wanna Play With Guns!
I Wanna Smash The Place
Up Just For Fun!

I Wanna Go Out
{Wanna Go Out}
I Wanna Party
And Act Like A Child
{And Act Like A Child!}
If It Sutes Me
'Cause We've Got
'Cause She's Got
Girl Power, {We Glower}
Coming Home Drunk In The
Midnight Hour
Girl Power, {We Glower}
We Might Look Sweet, But
We Wanna Be Sour!

I Don't Wanna Go To...
I Don't Wanna Go To College
Don't Wanna Get A Job
Wanna Sit 'Round The House
And Act Like A Slob
I Wanna Be Evil
I Wanna Be Bad
I Wanna Drive My Next Door
Neighbores Mad!!

Chorus x1

'Cause We've Got
'Cause She's Got
'Cause We've Got, Girl Power
Girl Power x9