Warning! Warning! Warning!
The drama king is in the building! The drama king is in the building!
He's here! One, one, two, two, three, four, five, five, six, Se7en!
One, one, two, two, three, four, five, six, Se7en!
One, one, two, two, three, four, five, five, six, Se7en!
One, one, two, two, two, one, two, three, four, five, six, Se7en!

Non morijiman nan norur ara kunyohui gyohte mur re dagawnun norur da arku Itjiman mot bun ciok he bua ochapi kunyoh mamsuke duro itnun gon nanigga Ggaman mokkurum are hurronerinun bie ku nyohga jojulkka ne pume duku Ddugoun teyahng chorom kunyohrul burte uotdon niga pihan ku sarami nayah

No! Non jolderu andue nebarkkuteku woojimothe nonun nege andue weire
Hasa nor pujaur hedu ne mum jitkkajibupurryohdu kunyohr gajji mothe YOU CRAZY!

Se-Se7en, let's do it!

Nan arjiman non narur murra kunyohe yohpe suibge sar su ittnun narul Marhajiman nor juji anha amuriniga essodu kunyoh mame motdurgor anikka Ggaman mokkurum are hurronerinun bie ku nyohga jojulkka ne pume duku Ddugoun teyahng chorom kunyohrul burte uotdon niga pihan ku sarami nayah

No! Non jolderu andue nebarkkuteku woojimothe nonun nege andue weire
Hasa nor pujaur hedu ne mum jitkkajibupurryohdu kunyohr gajji mothe YOU CRAZY!

Kunyohrul darraku ni kugerur sukiku nege do birobuadu
Ijen nujosso ne mu dun gor dabachiyoh kunyohrur jiggir su isso

No! Non jolderu andue nebarkkuteku woojimothe nonun nege andue weire
Hasa nor pujaur hedu ne mum jitkkajibupurryohdu kunyohr gajji mothe YOU CRAZY!

One, one, two, two, three, four, five, five, six, Se7en!
One, one, two, two, three, four, five, six, Se7en!
One, one, two, two, three, four, five, five, six, Se7en!
One, one, two, two, two, one, two, three, four, five, six, Se7en!