Behold in time the Son will rise, The sky will bleed
the wrath of night
The Sons of light arise with thee they hear his call
down to their knees
A battle rage they choose to go with hearts prepared
for the next expo
Made up their minds, left all behind Give all they got
wisdom fortified

They are the warriors of the Son of the King of the
Arise with thee unto thy might
Warriors of the Son of the King of the light
They died with thee, they live to fight

Come wind, come storm, cold and freeze
The sons of light shall not retreat
Come fireballs and desert sands Come warriors with
battle plans
By His strength the King of light starts pouring Out
His rage
To slay the beast who has conquered the world at this
The sons of light they hear His call they know just
what to do
Ten thousands and the mighty one They're coming to get

The prince beneath, he won't delay his troopers
foolish, void and lame
Commands the blood soaked battlefield He wages war and
makes his kill
His time so short, he's soon to go back to his home
abyss below
Though they have reigned for many years
The Sons of God they all shall fear