On the 24th of May 1863, Professor Lidenbrook and his nephew Axel discovered an old parchment within a 12th century volume entitled "Heims Kringla", itself a chronicle of the Norwegian Princes who had ruled over Iceland.
Written in runic manuscript by Arne Saknussemm (an alchemist of the 16th century) it translated:-
......"Descend into the crater of Sneffels Yokul, over which the shadow of Scataris falls before the kalends of July, bold traveller, and you will reach the centre of the earth."
Two centuries forward from this discovery, three geologian explorers traversed land and sea before they reached the mass of volcanic tufa known as Iceland. Veiled in secrecy, their purpose: - to emulate the journey that had been taken by their forefathers two hundred years previous.
For fear of being followed, their identities were known to no-one, and for this reason, as they began their ascent through vast fields of ice toward the magnificent snowy nightcap of the Sneffels volcano, their expectations became inexplicably intertwined with those of unease, as they prepared to challenge timeless history.
On reaching the tabletop summit, they slowly descended into the crater of Sneffels Yokul.........
.........And so began:-