-Come on Flute, you need to defeat Heater so we can wish back all of our friends!
-Ahh, if only I had more power!
-After you I'll destory the planet! [Laughing]
-OH NO! Time is running out! Is Heater too hot to handle?
Will Flute be able to power up in time? Stay tuned for scenes from the next exciting episode of... LIZARD SPHERE X!
-And now this public service announcement.
-Dude that's my jam!
-Don't do drugs!
-What the hell? [Laughing]
-School is cool!
-Ah this is terrible!
-This just sucks
-Drugs are bad!
-Be yourself!
-Who invited you guys?
-Hey that don't matter what's going on up in hur?
-Uhh we're just trying to think of a title for our CD we can't come up with-
- Album title!? Ohhh shit!
-Damn son we- [indescribable talking] What chu come up with double d?
-Man I came up with this idea it's called, www.crackmoneyrecords.cooooooooooom bam boom bam ba boom!
-How about no?
-I got one yall, how about moon dance?
-Oh that's hot! That shit's hot slam!
-Uhhh no
-Ah fuck that shit yo, when yall mother fuckers gonna put us up on the album?
-Yeah man.
-Cause we crackmoneyrecords.cooooom!
-Yeah you mentioned that already. Well We're trying to think of a place to put you but we can't come up with a good spot.
-Well what about scrotal torment?
-Yeah that'd be good!
-My balls itch itch up in my testoculies!
-We already did that
-But we already did that
-We already played that one
-Oh man damn, well what about I'm in a band to get chicks!
Wooooooooooooo! Lord have mercy!
-We did that one too.
-Suck my bicth! Damn son!
-Um, um, hey I got an idea, I gotta show you something come here.
-Well what you got man. WHAT CHU GOT!
-Check this out
-Garden hose down here
-It's called go away!
[Salms door]
[Yelling in backround]
-Oh God dude, ugh.
-Who the hell, who did this?
-I swear I didn't say-
-Did you call them?