Hey now I'm laughing at you cuz
You're stomping around, you want
Everyone to know that you're
Feeling down. did you have a bad
Day? Did you have a bad day?
Well, I know you did, you've always
Had a bad day, and you always feel
The need to complain, and you always
Throw a fucking tantrum when things
Don't go your way...
Hey I'm coughing up blood I'm fucking
Sick as a dog and by band broke up
And I lost my job!! Do you feel that
Way too? Did that also happen to you?
Well I know it did, it's always
Worse with you, and you say you've
"been feeling sick too," and you got no
Sympathy got no empathy in your
Self-important point of view...
Hey well sometimes life really does
Suck, but why can't you learn to laugh
At your bad luck? Do you want to be
Depressed? Do you want to drown in
Loneliness? Well I guess you do, you
Seem to love being in a bad mood,
And pouting and stomping through the
Room, and expecting everyone to
Drop what they're doing and come
And comfort you. Ha! Like we don't
Have better things to do. Gimme a
Break. Et cetera.