1. Jesus met the woman at the well
Jesus met the woman at the well
Jesus met the woman at the well
And he told her everything she'd ever done.

2. He said:"Woman woman where is your husband?"
he said:"Woman woman where is your husband?"
he said:"Woman woman where is your husband?"
"I know everything you've ever done."

3. She said:"Jesus Jesus I ain't got no husband"
she said:"Jesus Jesus I ain't got no husband"
she said:"Jesus Jesus I ain't got no husband"
"and you don't know everything I've ever done."

4. He said:"Woman woman you've got five husbands"
he said:"Woman woman you've got five husbands"
he said:"Woman woman you've got five husbands"
"and the one you have now he's not your own."

5. She said:"This man this man he must be a prophet"
she said:"This man this man he must be a prophet"
she said:"This man this man he must be a prophet"
"he done told me everything I've ever done."
