I want to get married
Yes, I need a spouse
I want a nice Leave it to Beaverish
Golden retriever and a little white house

I want to get married
I need to cook meals
I want to pack you cute little lunches
For my Brady bunches
Then read Danielle Steele

I want to escape
This rat race I've created
I'm feelin' enervated
I don't care if I make it
I just want to bake a sugar cake

For you
To take to work in the morn
And I'll stay home cleaning the dishes
And keeping your wishes all warm
I want to get married
That's why I was born

I want to partake in bake sales for the classroom
I want to hear the sweet tune
Of Sally's little vroom-vroom
As she zooms around my broom
As I exhume the gloom
Of my shallow life

I want to be simple and honest and dimpled
'cause I am your wife
I will never tarry
I'm not even torn
I want to get married
That's why I was born