School holiday that she could do without
A weekend break that slept in late
A beach resort under a year of rain
This is where it has to start

When the AC hum inside your sleepy head
Drowns the startup chime inside your heart
Technology is there to cure yourself
This is where it has to start

Unfamiliar brand falls from an empty shelf,
Without sounding an alarm,
The test results tell you nothing at all
This is where it has to start

When the AC hum inside your sleepy head
Drowns the startup chime inside your heart
Technology is there to cure yourself
this is where it has to start

The Northern Lights are just a band for hire
Playing class reunions without end
The test results tell you nothing at all

Technology is there to cure yourself

A dusty cartridge from the VCs is on the way to see old friends
This is where it has to start