Food, glorious food… we're anxious to try it
Three banquets a day, our favorite diet!
Just picture a mammoth steak, fried, roasted or stewed
Oh, food, wonderful food, marvelous food, glorious food!
Food, glorious food,
Poached possum served flambé,
Broth made from a sloth,
Or a saber-tooth souffle,
Why should we be fated to,
Do nothing but brood,
On food, magical food, wonderful food, marvelous food?
Food, glorious food,
Flesh picked off the dead ones,
Rank, rotten, or chewed,
Soon, we'll be the fed ones!
Just thinking of putrid meat
Puts us in a mood for
Food, glorious food, marvelous food, fabulous food, beautiful food,
Magical food,
Glorious food!