And we're back. Alright Becky, before our handsome bachelors reveal themselves
You have one last question to ask before you decide to go on that big date.
OK. Handsome bachelor number one.
On our first date, where would you take me and how would you try to impress me?
So that's a... that's a good question ma.
This is what I would do to impress you.
Well first of all, you know where I might take you?
I might take you over Dame's house.
Oh, really?
Cus my girl's at the crib. And... then what I would do is...
I'd get you the finest drink, of course it's gonna have ice in it.
And I don't mean frozen water... huh, ya know!
That's so sweet.
and uh... what else would I do to really...
I'd take you to Rodeo Drive, of course. Of course.
I love Rodeo.
Ima take you to Rodeo and show you all the beautiful stores
And what you could have if your record goes number one like mine haha.
That's what I would do to... pretty impressive ain't it?
OK, sounds like fun.
Same question, handsome bachelor number two.
Yo, to impwess you to take you out on a perfect womantic date,
My idea for that is... to pick you up in a Wu mobile, bwought to you by Cwysler.
A Wu mobile?