A scream that hides in the lungs
Hides within your flesh and bones
There is no way for a cure
It becomes a disease
Once dry then dripping wet
Swells and is meaty and juicy
At the same time a woman with her full black hair
walks on the mountains in dreamscape
Memories siphon like mosquitoes
Open their unblinking eyes
Like huge half-flared, unlusting nostrils
I’ve bitten down – are you still unmoved?
You you you can scream out now
Following your spine
My finger creates an icy lake
Look around – no one’s watching
Tear off your jacket and jump in with tears streaming
I want to record you orgasm
But I pressed the wrong key
Lost time cannot be taken back
Lying pitifully
Fighting fluid
Sticky and transparent in my palm – it stays elastic
I can’t have enough – I want to milk more from your body
At this time the telephone rings
A pack of deer waits outside the window at the same time
The blue wind almost scatters but froths
Escapes from your opening eyes
Pick up the phone and loneliness falls
The lust and screams that are born
I listen to as I lick off your sweat bead by bead
If you can’t scream it out then swallow it down