My name is Captain Kidd, as I sailed, as I sailed,
Oh my name is Captain Kidd, as I sailed.
My name is Captain Kidd and God's laws I did forbid,
And most wickedly I did as I sailed.
My father taught me well to shun the gates of Hell,
But against him I rebelled, as I sailed.
He shoved a bible in my hand but I left it in the sand,
And I pulled away from land, as I sailed.
I murdered William Moore and I left him in his gore,
Twenty leagues away from shore, as I sailed.
And being crueler still, the gunner I did kill,
All his precious blood did spill, as I sailed.
I was sick and nigh to death, and I vowed at every breath,
Oh to walk in wisdom's path, as I sailed.
But my repentance lasted not, my vows I soon forgot,
Oh damnation is my lot, as I sailed.
To the execution dock, lay my head upon the block...
The laws no more I'll mock, as I sail.
So take warning here and heed, to shun bad company,
Or you'll wind up just like me, as I sailed.
My name is Captain Kidd, as I sailed, as I sailed,
Oh my name is Captain Kidd as I sailed,
My name is Captain Kidd and God's laws I did forbid,
And most wickedly I did as I sailed.
Most wickedly I did as I sailed.