I see you sitting on the sidelines
You follow all the guidelines
You wait your turn and follow rules, I live like I've got nine lives
My strife is like what life is like
A battle just like grind time
I say fuck all those timelines
But you still watch my blindside
From the jump you could tell my attitude
Was way different than them dudes tryin' to rap at you
Cuz' half them dudes would use the same platitudes
Thinking this is gonna get the girl laughing soon
Not true homeboy but I like the entertainment
You threw so much money that I thought that it was raining
And so did like 15 other guys
You should try the other side
Crazytown live, playing butterfly
Pit stained Ed Hardy shirts, yea them dudes don't like me
But it hardly hurts, I just go home rip another gnarly verse
Thinking about the pretty girl with the darling purse
When the thoughts get conjured they run the gamut
From how she looks naked to chilling in the mansion
Cuz' thats a lot to handle, we scramble
All around hampden like Cunningham, Randall
No throwback on, you like throwback songs
We karaoke with our vocal gone
Next boring wake up, turned right back on
Same clothes as last night live life like poems
And we still look good when we head to brunch
No pomade but my hair's standing up
Walk into the restaurant getting stares and such
But it's all good, let them suckas glare at us
The hot season came back, so now we back on
You drop a lil' hint about a track to rap on
I hate suggestions, but you suggested
A lot of stock in you so I'm quite invested
You piqued my interests, my yields are sky high
Thoughts of grandeur so we plan for mai thais
Damn we am fly, easy to hate this
Jealousy is tough we don't speak that language
But we go so hard with out thumbs up, dumb luck, no
Taught ourselves how to get where we go
And we in joy 'til we get there
Ohhing on a jet leer, not yet, but imaginations how we get there
Hech Yea, fist up, you can do your fist pump
I don't have time cuz' the grind gets a bit tough
Go Jersey Shore, show you the door
Drop shit you've never heard before
Because I'm peddling my gift, ain't settling for shit
Every week something new and it's steadily legit
Readily will peddle cuz' my scooter doesn't fit
Can't coast no joke twenty seven different shifts
Working for a dick is just something I don't git
So I'm doin what I love and avoiding politics
Knowledge and a gift and a ride that doesn't shift
I could never be in a park I am flying o an whim
Riding on a hymn, you can tie me to a sin
I am cutthroat, Jesus couldn't help me if he lived
Back and forth motion I am fuckin til' I jizz
I don't mean to be explicit but thats how it really is
And I can't stop this is all there is now
If you like some other guy, go and rock his sound
I can always git down, shit can't phase me
Throw your fucking fist up, this is Black Paisley
And I'm done, I'm fuckin done
I am just off of it, I'm off of it