There's a girl who's got zebra print everything
Got her own confident style
She likes to paint and takes pictures of everything
Lights the world up with her smile
I just met her but I feel like I know her
She wants to be all she can be
I can't think of a thing I can show her
She hasn't already shown me
How do you smile, when you don't want to
How do you laugh when it's easy to cry
And that's why I wanna be like you
How do you fake it to take it it's right
You've been through a lot, but there's a fire that you've got, inside
I know you want it to stop, you'll do more than walk - you'll fly
There's a girl who grew up playing soccer
She could put David Beckham to shame
She likes to win, but she'd rather inspire
She plays for the love of the game
I'm a fan, with my sign in the stands
She's really something to see
I can't think of a thing I could tell her
She hasn't already told me
Like how to smile, when you don't want to
And how to laugh when it's easy to cry
And that's why I wanna be like you
Whatever life throws me I'll take it it's right
Says I've been through a lot, but there's a fire that I've got, inside
Like you I want it to stop, I'll do more than walk - I'll fly
Stronger than I've ever been
Like you I can do anything
So free, and inspired like I've never been
Cause in the moment right now
Know how to smile, when I don't want to
Know how to laugh when it's easy to cry
You show me why, why I'm just like you
When life gets rough we hold on for the ride
I know we've been through a lot, but there's a fire that we've got, inside
Oh we'll both reach the top, we'll do more than walk - we'll fly