Alright, now everybody say hello to the bass
What are you yellin' about?
Now we'd like to take this opportunity to introduce our bass player to y' baby
And then here's John the drummer on the drums
Where the hell is John? (drumming starts)
OK Yeah
OK - that's more like it . . I can boogie around a little bit
I guess y'all know the rest of the fellas
Yeah - I've seen 'em around...Hey sarge

We know you've been waiting for a brand new dance
Oh -some of us
So pull up your pants 'cause here's your chance
Now it ain't gonna be easy but we want you to try
I'm gonna try
And if you can do it then maybe so can I
I certainly hope so
Everybody get your date
And Levitate

Stop screaming your messing with my rhythm

OK now, this is the way you do it,
first you take your hand put it on your elbow
I got it
Then you take your knee
and you put it up there too
Oh wait a minute
Then you take your head
and put it down between your knees
I can't do this
And when you feel it,
then you flap your ears and float on up here with me
Oh wow
And Levitate
Where are you going?

I bet you can't do it
Yes I can
You know you can't do it
I think I can do it
I bet you can't do it
Maybe you're right
You know you can't do it
I'm gonna try though man
I bet you can't do it

That's it, you all got it now
Get on up off the floor
I can't - that's my problem - I can't get up
That's alright,
alright now I want you to do something
I'll do anything
I want you to raise your right foot
Everybody get up on your right foot
C'mon everybody let's do it
Alright, now raise your left foot
No no no no don't put your right foot back down
Keep 'em both up
I can't
That's it
Now you've got it, now get up, I mean get down
I aint got it
I'm gonna get on up here myself, look at me taking off
You're the only one that can do it
But before I leave I'd like to say
that there is an easier way to do this
That's a relief
Now if you can possibly manage,
get one of your ankles on the floor
Wait a minute
Just one of them
Wait a minute
Get down on the floor....
Would you wait a minute
Until you can reach over with your elbow....