Beyond time and space
There is another place
Where I can rest my soul and
Find some time to waste
Time and space
Matter misplace
Universal theory turned to waste
Faced the question
Tasted deception
Erased history for proper perception
Now we're left in emergency
B.C. caused belief to be
Can't wait for 2000 to be over
So clockwork panic can sober
I keep on thinking about
Those places that I've been
In my mind I keep on traveling
On to those distant lands
How long's it take
For the Earth to rotate around the sun
Three sixty five days
Plus a fourth for fun
Expansion of space leaves time out of place
Branjo come in with that funky ass
Bass that rolls and flips
Drops twist
Won't risk balance for this
Pessimistic clock on top of that wrist
My existence is what you missed
What we already know
Shows how much we have to learn
There's more than meets the eye
Our fates can confirm
Beyond time and space
There is another place
Where I can rest my soul and
Find some time to waste
Frequently used terms
Of the laboratory contradictions
Let history
Affect my glory
'Cause so many stories
have turned into warnings
mornings continue to bring the light
prophesies of fright excite the masses
and get called right
So stop drop and roll
Our future will soon be foretold
And our souls sold to the one below
And with this knowledge I know
We'll have nothing to show but
Destination control
Ain't no roll of the die but control of the mind
Will soon find time and space
Coincide with grace
Inside the maze of sensation and face
The race of people labeled not equal
On each other for purpose of sequel
Inspite of what they feel
That's the real deal
I write to reveal not conceal